What is the MELT Method?

MELT Method is a scientifically backed therapy highlighting a key missing link to our health: dehydrated fascia. Fascia is the supportive connective tissue that surrounds every muscle, organ, bone, blood vessel, and nerve fiber in your body.

And what causes dehydrated fascia? Sadly, it’s just our daily, repetitive motions. As we age, it becomes more difficult for the body to absorb the water we ingest, which can lead to postural misalignment, pain, and even gut issues and headaches to name a few. Our bodies communicate most efficiently with a proper balance of fluid and electricity.

So how do we shift from dehydrated to hydrated fascia?

MELT techniques restore the health of the neurofascial system (nervous system + fascia), using a soft foam roller, balls and a band. With frequent practice (I recommend 4 times a week, 20 minutes sessions) our bodies begin to align more effortlessly, move with more precision and power, and our overall well-being improves.

Learning to MELT is indeed like learning a new language. We have to view the body as more than just muscles and bones. Rather, we envision “tissue tracks” connecting the whole body and how easily the body can fall out of, and back into balance with focused efforts. Improving fluid flow throughout the connective tissue system (fascia) and stabilizing before strengthening are some key goals that make the method unique. There are two more key points of MELT that make it unique: it is not technically foam rolling, nor is it stretching.

While MELT uses a foam roller, it is technically not foam rolling! We use it simply as one of many tools. Because the MELT roller is the softest in the world, we aim to hydrate the most superficial layer of connective tissue first. Compared to more firm, and borderline torturous rollers on the market (in my opinion), MELT is “nice”. Which can often be perceived as foam rolling for “people who are sensitive”. The truth is, we can, and do go just as deep as other rollers, affecting the deeper myofascial layers, bringing blood flow and circulation. We are simply sneakier about it. We employ various techniques to move our bodies in particular patterns to move the tissue throughout all of its ranges, just as you do when you walk, run, strength train, etc. We do not foam roll in one plane (think I-T band rolling) because you are not a pancake~ this form of rolling only addresses one dimension of your tissue.

MELT is NOT stretching. We aim to improve the overall distribution of tension in the body; because too much tension is just as undesirable as not enough tension. We balance tension throughout all the joints of the body using compression, length, and neuromuscular strength. You can think of it as pushing, pulling, and stabilizing. This treats the connective tissue in a 3-dimensional manner. When Tensegrity (Tension + Integrity) is established, we are able to move and be in our bodies with ease.

So what can MELT actually do for you? The list of potential benefits is long, and unique to each person. Here are some I have witnessed over the past 15 years I have been teaching MELT to others:

  • decrease inflammation and pain

  • improve posture

  • decrease compression in neck and low back

  • improve pelvic floor/ core health

  • stablize joints

  • improve sports power & performance

  • improve internal system functions

  • improve cellular absorption (aka you can sleep through the night without needing to wake to use the bathroom)

  • improve sleep- see above!

How do you get started? A great place to begin is to book a complimentary consultation to learn which path fits your body and budget.


“Purple Smoothie” Recipe


Are you “managing” your pain…or learning from it?